Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
House Follows Senate In Giving The President A Copyright Czar
Vote Early - Vote Absentee
XBox Media Center (XBMC) Released For All Platforms
The popular open-source media center application Xbox Media Center (XBMC) has rolled out the first beta release of XMBC Atlantis, which brings XBMC to all platforms. That means XBMC now runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, the original Xbox, and even your thumb drive or live CD. Despite its beta status, this release brings XBMC even closer to cross-platform bliss—including iTunes and iPhoto integration for XBMC on your Mac. The new release also boasts a killer new HD skin, so keep reading for a closer look.
XBMC is free, works on all platforms. This release is currently in beta, so you may see some bugs. That said, so far it's been running like a champ on my machines. If you give the new XBMC beta a try, let's hear how you're liking it in the comments.
Sad News - Glider Agrees to Pay Blizzard $6M in Bot Lawsuit
It's a sad day for us all when corporate interests override a person's fair use rights on his own computer.This judgment does not entirely conclude the matter. Issues still slated for trial in January include whether MDY’s sales of Glider violated the Digital Millenium Copyright Act and whether MDY’s owner Michael Donnelly can be held personally liable for the $6,000,000 judgment.
Beyond trial, of course, there will almost certainly be an appeal to the 9th Circuit on the issue of liability, which would negate the stipulation, and thus the $6m damages judgment, if MDY prevails.
Take A Deep Breath: Some Perspective On The Financial Crisis
Splicd Skips To a Video Point in YouTube
World of Warcraft Credit Card

The World of Warcraft Visa card is available to U.S. residents with a World of Warcraft game account, putting one percent of every dollar spent on “qualifying purchases” toward time in the game and giving cardholders a free month of play the first time they use the card. The cards are available in 13 different and very sexy designs, with detailed artwork featuring the game’s various races, including Night Elves, Tauren, Dwarves, Trolls and of course, Orcs and Humans.
It may seem like kind of a weird rewards program, but with 11 million subscribers, many of whom would leap at the chance to publicly declare their WoW allegiance - not to mention the potential for free play time - I think it’s a brilliant move. Even more importantly, it’s yet another sign that gamers are being recognized as adults, and taken seriously for the “cultural demographic” they represent. Of course, laying down your World of Warcraft Forsaken Visa may not get you taken seriously by the maître d’, but sometimes legitimacy has to come one step at a time.
Quick Joke of the Day
Visual Studio 2010 to Come with 'Black Box' for Testers

Monday, September 29, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Nodevice Hordes Missing Drivers, Manuals
If you're stumped trying to find a Windows driver for your hardware (and you didn't back it up when it last worked), try Nodevice has a database of more than 30,000 drivers, and roughly 20,000 each of manual files and DLL files. Looking for something Vista-specific? Check out RadarSync. [via]
TIVO new User Interface in testing, features Picture in Guide at last!
If I were to list one basic feature I’ve always wanted for my TIVO is an integrate User Interface with Picture in Guide (PIG). Little has changed with its interface over the years, picture is obstructed by grid-style onscreen guide while navigating though user menu to retrieve list of recording show or change settings. Competitors such as DirectTV, Dish Network and Cable service carriers have long offering DVR with PIG. That soon to change; Tivo is cooking up a user interface with a complete new look- Featuring PIG with ability to display picture while peruse user guide.Read the full article at the DVD Rental Video Blog.
Write Your Novel at WEbook

Shelve the notion of a solitary writer toiling alone for years in a dimly lit attic. WEbook.com is a place for lively writing groups, groundbreaking titles, and a chance for an engaged and creative community to find unrecognized talent and select the very best written works for publication as books, eBooks, and Audiobooks.
At WEbook, writers can get immediate feedback on their work. Reviewers can tear apart bad writing and make it better and everyone gets a chance to vote. If WEbook users vote your project as one of the best, WEbook will publish it, in print or electronic form, too.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Homeland Security Gets Closer To Minority Report-Style Crime Predictor
Ever since the film Minority Report came out, we've seen a series of stories about efforts to predict future crimes before they happen. Most of these are more about data mining to predict high crime areas and times -- but some are going much further. Slashdot points us to a story about Homeland Security apparently making progress on a "pre-crime detector." It was originally called "Project Hostile Intent," but after some folks figured that the name was a bit... ominous, it seems to have been renamed as "Future Attribute Screening Technologies" (FAST). Basically the system is designed to spot "shifty" people who may be getting ready to commit a crime of some sort. The researchers behind it say that the early tests are incredibly effective: "We are running at about 78% accuracy on mal-intent detection, and 80% on deception." Of course, there are tons of questions about privacy violations and how long it will take criminals to figure out ways to "beat the system."
What Happens When Cesium (or Caesium) Contacts Water?
How to Delete a Windows Service in Vista or XP
If you are a fan of tweaking your system and disabling services, you might find that over time your Windows Services list becomes huge and unwieldy with a large number of services in the list that will never be enabled.
Instead of just disabling a service, you can alternatively completely delete the service. This technique can be especially helpful if you've installed some piece of software that doesn't uninstall correctly, and leaves an item in the service list.
Important Note: Once you delete a service, it's gone, and it's going to be a pain to add it back. Use with caution.
Deleting a Service
The first thing you'll need to do is identify the name of the service, so open up Services through the start menu or control panel, and then find the service in the list that you want to delete.
You'll want to open up the properties by double-clicking on the service name, and then highlight the "Service name" value and copy it to the clipboard. This is what we'll need to disable it.
You'll need to open up a command prompt, and if you are using Windows Vista you'll need to right-click the command prompt and choose Run as Administrator. We'll use the sc command to actually do the work.
The syntax used to delete a service is this:
sc delete ServiceName
If your service name has spaces in it, you'll need to wrap the service name in quotes, like this:
sc delete "Adobe LM Service"
Note that I'm not recommending deleting this particular service, it's just an example.
Now if you use the F5 key to refresh your Services list, you'll see that the service is gone.
I've found that using this technique (carefully) can make your Services list a lot more useful, since you don't have to weed through dozens of items you will never have enabled.
Source: The How-To Geek
Quick Joke of the Day
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
The Best of Late Night
Quick Joke of the Day
PETA proposes that Ben & Jerry's use breast milk in its ice cream

"If Ben and Jerry's replaced the cow's milk in its ice cream with breast milk, your customers — and cows — would reap the benefits," wrote Tracy Reiman, executive vice president of the animal rights advocacy group. "We're aware this idea is somewhat absurd, and that putting it into practice is a stretch. At the same time, it's pretty absurd for us to be drinking the milk of cows," she said.It takes about 12 pounds — or 1 1/2 gallons of milk — to make a gallon of ice cream. As a standardized product under federal regulations, ice cream must be made with milk from healthy cows. Ice cream made from goat's milk, for example, would have to be labeled as such. Presumably, so would mother's milk ice cream. Ben & Jerry's responded to the open letter:
"We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," spokesman Sean Greenwood said in an e-mail. He didn't respond to requests for an interview.After I thought about this for a bit, I can kinda see PETA's point. It's true that we are taking milk from an animal and consuming it on a daily basis, yet we get grossed at the thought of using human milk. Personally, I can't get over the grossness of using human milk. Secondly, you would need a lot women just to produce one gallon of ice cream. How much milk can a nursing mother make in one day? Aside from that is the cost. How much do you pay a woman for her milk? Does she need to stay in the factory/milking facility all day? Can she pump it from home? And finally, cow's milk and mother's milk aren't interchangeable, according to La Leche spokeswoman Jane Crouse, who says breast milk is a dynamic substance that's different with each woman and each child and might have difficulty being processed into ice cream. I don't think we'll be seeing this come to pass anytime soon, thankfully. At the Ben & Jerry's factory in Waterbury, consumers gave a collective "Eww" to the idea:
Image courtesy of MSNBC."It's kind of creepy," said Jeff Waugh, 42, of Dayton, Ohio.
"I think it's a little nutty," said the Rev. Roger Wooton, 83, of Malden, Mass., finishing up a cup of Heath Bar Crunch.
"How would they get all that milk?" said his wife, Jane Wooton, 77.
Jen Wahlbrink, 34, of Phoenix, who breast-fed her 11-month-old son, Cameron, said she wouldn't touch ice cream made from mother's milk. She remembers her nursing days — and not that fondly.
"The (breast) pumps just weren't that much fun. You really do feel like a cow," she said, cradling her son in her hands.
On Fire In the Operating Room
Rita Talbert's operation was supposed to be a simple thyroid surgery, three hours, in and out, in the spring of 2005. Instead, the Stafford, Va., woman woke up a week later in intensive care, in agonizing pain and horrified at the face she saw in the mirror. “I didn’t know it was me,” said Talbert, now 62. Her chin was gone; her nose was deformed. Her mouth was virtually melted, so damaged that after a dozen reconstructive operations, she still has trouble eating, drinking and breathing. There’d been an accident, the doctors explained. An electrosurgical tool had ignited oxygen inside a mask under surgery drapes during the operation, sparking flames that left second- and third-degree burns from Talbert’s chest to the top of her head. "It just caught fire," she said, still incredulous at the idea. "They didn't even know it had caught on fire."The root problem seems to be one of communication between the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. In most incidents, the surgeon was not informed that oxygen (O2) was flowing under the surgical drapes. The problem is exacerbated when the surgeon does not inform the anesthesiologist he is going to power on a electrical device in the surgical area. Oxygen concentrations of 50 percent and higher will create a flash fire. About 65 percent of surgical fires occur on the upper body or inside a patient's airway, another quarter occur elsewhere on the body and less than 10 percent actually occur inside the body cavity. Whatever the source, the head and neck region is grimly suited to hosting fires, especially in a high-oxygen atmosphere. There’s the vellus, the peach fuzz on your face and head - each tiny hair burns like a tiny sparkler and propagates a ripple of flame across the face.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Will Spore DRM Become EA's Rootkit Moment?
Apple Stifles Developer's Free Speech By Imposing NDA on Rejections
Apple's serious about it: The company has extended the iPhone non-disclosure agreement, which prohibits application developers from discussing programming tips, to include rejection letters as well. Some developers in the past have shared their rejection letters on the web, but now, according to MacRumors, rejection letters include a clause that reads, "THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MESSAGE IS UNDER NON-DISCLOSURE."
Score one for Android.Thursday, September 25, 2008
Quick Joke of the Day
Learn to speak Chinese
This is a tow away zone. - No Pah King You are not very bright - Yu So Dum I got this for free - Ai No Pei I am not guilty - Wai Hang Mi? Please, stay a while longer - Wai Go Nao? Our meeting was scheduled for next week - Wai Yu Kum Nao Find more jokes at Really Funny Quick JokesYour Moment of Cat Zen
Find Out Where a Username is Already Registered
This site is a quick and dirty solution to a question that I often lay awake at night worrying about. Do I have my username registered across every site that I should? What if the next internet humiliation meme just happens to share the username I've been using for years, and suddenly people are emailing me asking "hey, is this you ???". The site is simple. I have a stack of webapp urls, the application pings the site using the username you want to check, if it returns a "no user name" error we return that.
The list of checks can take some time, so grab a cup of coffee or browse the news in another tab while UserNameCheck does its thing.
Where is Your Username Registered?
Source: LifeHacker
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Comcast Claims No One Has Complained About Its New Traffic Slowing Efforts
EA Loosens DRM on Spore
Monday, September 22, 2008
Spore - Day Two
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Spore - First Impressions
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Birth of the Smiley
19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman
:-) From: Scott E FahlmanI propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:
Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use:
Light Posting Weekend
Friday, September 19, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Cat Boxing with Casper and Toby
Will Central Africa's Forest Wildlife Be Eaten into Extinction?
Quick Joke of the Day
Netflix Origami
NetFlix tear-off flaps are sturdy, colorful, and perfect for origami and paper airplanes, so don't just toss those wrappers into the recycling bin. Although most origami requires special paper squares, we have adapted these designs so you can use NetFlix flaps without alteration. Just tear them off carefully at the perforated line and follow our step-by-step instructions for making paper-folding magic.Examples:
Ranting About PayPal
Monday, September 15, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Quick Joke of the Day
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
Why Tea Is Healthier Than Water
Dr Ruxton said: "Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it's got two things going for it."
Many people have lumped tea in with other caffeine containing drinks such as coffee and colas, as a dehydrating drink. Not a concern, the research team says:
"Studies on caffeine have found very high doses dehydrate and everyone assumes that caffeine-containing beverages dehydrate. But even if you had a really, really strong cup of tea or coffee, which is quite hard to make, you would still have a net gain of fluid."If you're interested in drinking more tea check out the health benefits of green tea and tips for properly steeping tea.
Weird News
Quick Joke of the Day
DVD Rental Video Guide
Video Downloads - Movie Downloading Services Amazon Video On Demand # Titles: ***** Trial Offer: Free Downloads Netflix # Titles: ***** Trial Offer: 2 Weeks Free Trial CinemaNow # Titles: **** Trial Offer: 3 Day Trial Disney Movie Club # Titles: **** Trial Offer: None iTunes # Titles: *** Trial Offer: None Video On Demand # Titles: *** Trial Offer: 7 Days Free Trial Movie Link # Titles: ** Trial Offer: first movie 99 cents Total Vid # Titles: ** Trial Offer: None
Specialty DVD Rentals Green Cine Specialty: Indies, Foriegn, Kids Trial Offer: 3 Movies in 10 days Free Disney Movie Club Specialty: Disney and Family Movies Trial Offer: None CinFlix Specialty: Asian Cinema Trial Offer: None Tiger Cinema Specialty: Asian Cinema Trial Offer: None Anime Lane Specialty: Anime Trial Offer: 10 - 20% Off Kinectic Fit Specialty: Fitness and Health Trial Offer: None HuntFlix Specialty: Hunting Trial Offer: None Pinoy Movies Specialty: Filipino Movies Trial Offer: None Video Library Specialty: Hard to Find Movies Trial Offer: None
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Your Moment of Cat Zen
A Lesson on Gaming With Kids From Wil Wheaton
Rule 17a is a house rule we invoke when we're learning a new game. It basically states that, at any time, a player can say, "You know, I just realized that I did this stupid thing that I wouldn't have done if I had a little more experience in the game. I'd like a do-over." If the majority of the players agree (and we always do) then we just back up a little bit, and play on. It reduces the risk of doing something bone-headed that you can't ever recover from, and it keeps the game fun.His new idea, termed Rule 17b, is a great one for kids, but I think can (and maybe should) be used by everyone:
Depending on your kid, the game, and some X factor that I leave to you as a parent, you could give your child up to three "roll again" markers, like poker chips or glass beads or whatever, that she can use at any time to re-roll a particularly bad dice roll. They can use it whenever they want to, but once the marker it used, it's gone for the rest of the game, so your child will have to choose very carefully about when she's going to use it. This would be especially great with a couple of smaller kids, because the parent isn't put in the position of awarding do overs and giving the appearance of favoritism (raise your hand if you've ever had to untangle that Gordian Knot.)I'm thinking that this could be a great idea for computer and console games. Maybe I'll consider adding it as a feature in one the games I'm working on.
Let GoPlanIt Plan Your Vacation For You
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Obama's Magic
Yes, we're a polarized country. We're a bipolar country. Republicans seem bewildered by the appeal of Barack Obama. He has "some sort of magic," in the words of one local pundit. Well, yeah. Part of the magic is called oratory. It's been a known brain-clouder since at least ancient Greek times. Look, cadences and rhetorical devices designed to persuade the masses! What kind of witchcraft is this?
Republicans tend not to care about oratory - certainly their choices of presidential candidates indicate that. They seem to think it's cheating. I know it's a cheap shot, but let me mention the first Republican president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. They've come a long way since then, and not in the right direction.
And the other part of the Barack Obama magic, and I know we're not supposed to say this out loud, but: He's African American. Actually, half African, half Scottish American, which makes him really, truly American, a land where increasingly people are a little bit of everything, and they identify themselves according to preference, not according to genetic markers.
I think it would be really good if the United States had an African American president. There, I said it; call me a racist. I think it would be good if he was an African American president who gave really good speeches and had sensible ideas and a commitment to social justice. Sure, I disagree with him about stuff - can we say FISA? But his candidacy is basically a great idea. You know that whole slavery thing? This might go a way toward mitigating that.
Not that this counts as an endorsement. I could still vote for Barney Frank. But everywhere I look in this race, I see coded racial statements, and I hear the whispers that a black man can never get elected president no way no how. And I want to think better of my country than that, no matter what the country thinks of itself.
Look at it this way. I actually don't care about Sarah Palin's private life, any of it. In fact, she sounds like the kind of woman I might meet when I'm traveling in the West: small-town gal; nutty political ideas, but hey, it's the West; kind of mixed-up family life but a nice six-point buck over the fireplace. And I don't think the fact that her daughter is pregnant and not married has anything to do with her qualifications for public office. She's plenty disqualified on other grounds.
(OK, a small part of me does want to say, "That abstinence education thing; how's it working out for you?")
And yet ... imagine if it had been one of Barack Obama's daughters who was pregnant out of wedlock. (Imagine them a lot older, too.) Imagine the pundits going nuts. Imagine talk of the crumbling of the black family, the absent father, the culture of irresponsibility, the role of the churches, blah blah blah. Endless. Oh, we'd have a conversation about race, all right, and it would be just like the previous 812 conversations.
But does Sarah Palin represent the crumbling of the white family? Was the father's constant absences at sporting events the reason her daughter didn't get the attention she needed? Where was the church? Where ... oh, no, we're not having that conversation, because Sarah Palin is white and white families are doing just fine. Thank you, pundits. Take another week off.
I understand the Republicans had a something. I'm sure they ate well and drank well and agreed with each other. I'm happy for them.
Amazon Deleted Spore Reviews?
Copy a Single File to Avoid Re-Activating Windows XP
Before wiping your system clean, grab a file namedWPA.DBL
from the System32 directory and save it to a thumb drive or other external media. When you load up your new system, skip registration, enter "Safe Mode" from the boot menu, and drop it back into that System32 folder. Now you're re-activated and free of nagging. Hit the link below for detailed explanation of each step.How to avoid having to reactivate Windows XP after fresh install [Online Tech Tips]