Monday, September 1, 2008

Can You Sue for a Backlink?

Here's an interesting idea... suppose someone creates a link to your site, but you don't want that link pointing to your site? There is nothing, inherently wrong with link (for example, it won't affect your SEO), you just don't like the site or company the link comes from. What do you do? In case of a Sheboygan woman, the city of Sheboygan sent a "cease and desist" letter to have the links removed. The woman, Jennifer Reisinger, says she felt intimidated by the city, so removed the links. Reisinger alleges her First Amendment rights were violated by the city. She seeks $250,000 in compensatory damages, unspecified punitive damages and unspecified declaratory relief. After reading the article, I gotta say I agree with Ms. Reisinger. It seems to me like the mayor and his staff were trying to retaliate against her because of her (failed) effort to have the mayor recalled. I'm very interested to see how this turns out. Read the full story: Sheboygan women files landmark case over Web links

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